What Can I Do With an A Minor Chord?

Hello, my friends! Thanks for joining us today for another article! We hope today’s article is beneficial for you as you further dive into your knowledge as a musician. We have an interesting, and specific, topic for you today so let’s jump right in!

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Using the Sustain Pedal Effectively

The sustain pedal is an accessory that adds a sustaining effect to your existing piano sound.  This means that sustain pedals keep either a note or chord you play sustained, even though you are no longer actively playing the note.  On a grand piano, the sustain pedal is a foot switch to the extreme right below the keyboard.

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Smooth Modulations

2 Ways to Accomplish Smooth Modulations

The definition of modulation is the process of transitioning from one key to another while playing a song. In this article, we will examine simple tips on modulating smoothly while playing a musical piece. However, before we proceed I would like to point out that while modulation is similar to transposition, there are significant differences between the two.  The similarity between the two is the process of “changing keys”.

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Slash Chords Demystified

Today we are going to talk about Slash Chords.

Typically, we play the root of a chord using the left hand to accompany the chord on the right hand.  For instance, the C major chord (CEG) is played as follows:

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